Partner Fellowship : Oxford Cantonese Christian Fellowship for Chinese Students (OCCFCS)
友好團契 : 牛津學生基督徒粵語團契
New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, Oxford OX1 1LQ (Westgate商場對面)
有意參加或欲知詳情,請電郵至 occfcs@gmail.com 或關注我們的 Facebook 專頁("OCCFCS") facebook.com/occfcs。
We are a group of university students and young professionals who are passionate about sharing our Christian faith with others, through discussion and communication. OCCFCS is not affiliated with any church or organisation.
We welcome, therefore, all Christians and those who are keen to know more about our faith to participate in our meetings and activities.
Our regular meetings, conducted in Cantonese, are held on Friday evenings. Our weekly programme includes dinner, singing of hymns, sharing and praying. We also organise other activities regularly, including Bible studies, socials, discussions of social and theological issues, and outdoor activities.
Regular meeting
Every Friday 6:30pm
New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, Oxford OX1 1LQ
(opposite Westgate shopping centre)
If you are interested in joining us, you are most welcome to email occfcs@gmail.com or follow our Facebook ("occfcs") facebook.com/occfcs for more details. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
We look forward to welcoming you at our gatherings!